
Simonson Lumber Keeps Relationships at the Forefront

In its 111-year history, Simonson Lumber has seen a lot of changes, but one constant that has remained has been how the company treats people, whether it’s those who work for or with the company, or live in the community.

“We are a people-first organization, and we actually follow through on it,” Simonson Lumber President Eric Borchardt said. “Our mission statement is, ‘Be gracious to each other, embrace our customers, sell lumber, components, and designs.’ We take care of our employees, they take care of the customers, and everything else kind of works itself out.”

Founded in 1913 by Nels Simonson, the lumberyard grew quickly and remained a family-owned operation for three generations. Now headquartered in St. Cloud, MN, Simonson Lumber has five lumberyards as well as a truss plant, and works primarily in custom home and multifamily building, offering design services, estimating and delivery of a number of materials including decking, roofing, windows, and trusses. In 2019, Simonson purchased Mathew Hall Components, which had been in operation for more than 100 years.

“A lot of lumberyards have to buy from other truss plants, whereas we have one internally, so it definitely helps that we’re vertically integrated. We have more control over that process, and in Minnesota, that’s pretty unique.”

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Simonson Lumber has been an LMC Dealer since 2024.